MarkD Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
A HA firewall Setup, although this is technically not HSRP/VRRP which I think you are trying to describe How to Configure High Availability (HA) | SonicWall
If theres already a VPN and there is no overlap there is no need for any NAT configuration, the traffic is routed between and not sure about overthinking it, may be overcomplicating a solution - if there are already DC's in that Main Office subnet
To expand on BWC - http can be intercepted and the sonicwall block page shown, without DPI-SSL there is no "resigning certificate" to insert the block page. How to Configure Server DPI-SSL | SonicWall
management access rule LAN interface at enable ping under the interface properties creates the rule
review you zones "But from what I can tell, there is nothing that stops the X2 port from accessing… or the X0 port from accessing the X2 port" there is zone rules X2 WAN-LAN X0 and LAN X0 to WAN X2
What are the best practices for wireless mesh network? | SonicWall
If the event is benign you can disable sending this event to the syslog. Device Log Settings Expand VPN/VPN IPSEC/ESP Drop the event ID 533 is populated, turn off the SYSLOG, it will still be logged in the GUI
I think you have the use of Zones wrong You talk about X1 and X2 as WAN Zones? and one is connected for wireless ?? X2(or the subnet on it the subnet.. WAN zones connect to the internet i.e it routes all traffic that is no pre-defined by routing rules or interface connectivity. How do zones work in SonicOS? |…
IKE UDP 500 is to start a connection, if during P1 negotiation the remote endpoint is behind a NAT device, this will move to UDP 4500. Is the remote endpoint behind a NAT device? Also your logs are from an external syslog collector and may not contain all the information.
UDP port 500 is for Internet Key Exchange (IKE) UDP port 4500 is for IPSec NAT-Traversal (NAT-T) ie the endpoint is behind a device performing NAT on the source address
No the internal gui under Device/Diagnostic/GEO and Botnet gives less information
You wont see the make model of the SFP - it maybe buried somewhere in a techsupport dump but I've never been able to find a reference
You can use the botnet lookup to confirm if sonicwall has it in their database A check on the first shows it is. The address is also listed on Abuse IP | TECHNOX INTERNET TEKNOLOJILERI | AbuseIPDB And Mailspike Blacklist Listed Spamhaus SBL Listed…
double check the Compatility of the module - you could be looking at a failing SFP especially being 10 years old Supported SonicWall and 3rd party SFP and SFP+ modules that can be used with SonicWall NSA series | SonicWall
Review your logs